2 Month Social Media Break- Here’s What Happened…


What began as a short 2-week break from social media turned into a liberating 2-month escape. You know those nudges you get but keep brushing off? Well, I finally paid attention. Before the break, I was stuck in this cycle of stressing over what to post, feeling the pressure to stay on trend, and losing the joy I used to find in sharing.

It felt like I was endlessly scrolling through reels, desperately trying to find inspiration and create content that would please others instead of staying true to what really mattered to me. The authenticity I once had? It took a back seat to chasing likes and trends.

Sharing used to be this exciting adventure that pushed me out of my comfort zone, but somewhere along the way, it lost its spark. Instead of moving me forward, social media started holding me back. So, after hosting a retreat in Italy, I thought, "Why not take a break for the holidays?"

The clarity I gained felt like a breath of fresh air. The break extended, and here's what I found:


I stopped Comparing myself

"Comparison is the thief of all joy" hit me hard, and I didn't fully grasp how true it was until recently. Working side by side with my best friend, who effortlessly enjoys posting, made me realize I was caught up in this comparison game without even knowing it. I felt this unspoken pressure to keep up, but it was time to hit the brakes and tune into what truly serves me.

So, I decided to ditch the endless reel-scrolling and comparing myself to other nutritionists and yoga instructors. No more tallying likes or followers; it was time to turn inward.

The first week was a struggle. I've always been the one snapping pics and videos for my feed, but suddenly, I questioned the point if no one else was going to see them. Then it hit me – why not take pictures just for me? The shift from perfecting images for social validation to capturing moments that felt beautiful and authentic was liberating.

I stopped obsessing over filters, freckles, and wrinkles, realizing true beauty lies in feeling good in my own skin, without digital enhancements. It's a game-changer to appreciate myself without the Instagram-perfect facade. Now, I take pictures for me, for the joy of the moment, and share them with those who matter most.

Being off the social media carousel allowed me to be more present. No more distractions from notifications or the social media whirlwind. It was a profound reminder that the most crucial moments are the ones right in front of us.


I Improved My focused

Ever realize how much time social media can consume? I sure did, maybe more than I care to admit. From pondering post ideas to crafting content, then circling back for comments and likes – it was a cycle. I'd scroll to distract myself from work, spiraling into a vortex of nutrition & yoga content videos, memes, and late-night dog videos in bed. Despite my daily practice of meditation and mindfulness, ending the day with mindless scrolling under blue light never felt right. So, I swapped that for reading and diving into some fun TV shows, & got to bed earlier.

This hiatus also became my time to revamp my entire website. I wanted it to authentically represent me and my vision, not tethered to what others were doing on social media. If you haven't checked it out yet, I'd love your thoughts! It's been an empowering project aligning with my true self. I delved into more gut and hormone healing courses, aligning with my personal gut healing journey. The past months of dietary changes, supplements, and optimizing gut health brought up physical, spiritual, and mental shifts. It's a perpetual journey with twists, and recently, I was nudged to go deeper – tackling SIBO, Candida, and parasites. I've had emotions and fears stored in my body, and I'll delve into this more on social media and a future post!

The clarity from this break has been a game-changer. Getting stuff done with a clear head? More productive than I've been in months.


I was just as successful at work. If not more…

The struggle to break free from social media is so real, especially for entrepreneurs. The pressure to maintain a constant online presence, fueled by the fear of not attracting enough clients or achieving success, can be overwhelming. Can you relate? That constant drain on time and energy makes you crave a break, yet the fear whispers that there's no way you can afford it.

Here's the kicker: that fear? It's wrong. I hesitated for the longest time, fearing that stepping back would impact my client flow and business success. Turns out, I got just as many, if not more, clients and experienced my busiest holiday season in my three years of business. Clients came from various avenues—word of mouth, physician referrals, yoga classes, and marketing websites like HealthProfs. If you're a nutrition professional or therapist, seriously consider putting yourself on platforms like this. I get a few client calls per week from there!

What I learned was the need to ditch the scarcity mindset. Trust that putting out good vibes and operating from an authentic place will attract the clients and money you need.

Here's another revelation: I discovered a deep-seated fear of being seen. Most of my past social media posts centered around yoga, mindset, and my collaboration with my BFF at Yogi Laurens. While these aspects are crucial to me, they're just a fraction of what I do. With over a decade as a holistic nutritionist, I often downplayed the impact of my work. It's time to change that. As I log back on, I'm committed to sharing it all—nutrition tips, gut health success stories and plans, hormone balance tips, recipes, yoga and mindset stuff, and more. It's time to step out from behind the duo and share the full spectrum of what I bring to the table.


How I plan to use social media to my benefit going forward

Stepping back into the social media realm, I'm grappling with some old fears—those familiar patterns of endless scrolling and constant notification checks. To forge a healthier relationship with it, I'm laying down some firm ground rules:

  1. Time Limits: capping my daily usage at 1-2 hours max.

  2. Digital Detox: shutting down social media by 9 pm, not to be revisited until 8 am the next day.

  3. Notification-Free Zone: removing those pesky notifications from my phone.

  4. Content Batching: strategically planning and posting content for the week to cut down on time.

  5. Scroll-Free Zone: releasing the habit of mindless scrolling, allowing my content to flow authentically.

  6. Curation Clean-Up: unfollowing accounts that no longer lift me up and make me feel good.

Consider this my self-imposed accountability checklist. I acknowledge the benefits of social media—it's a platform to share our messages and connect globally. This reset allowed me to truly grasp its potential and build a healthier relationship with it. Breaks will be vital in the future, but deep down, I know my path involves sharing—stepping out of the shadows, letting go of playing small, and fearlessly sharing my unique messages. It's about our stories, how we grow, evolve, and have the power to help countless people. That's my why for posting and sharing.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found my experience helpful. If you’re ready to embark on your healing journey send me a message and lets set up a time to talk!


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